Friday, August 3, 2012

Very Rough Draft

Obama Care: What Does This Mean For Us?

Four years ago, Barak Obama was elected as our 44th president. Two years later, he signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or, as more commonly known, Obama Care. Recently Obama Care was upheld, which brought a plethora of articles in the media, in turn causing a lot of commotion in the public. Many proclaimed that the bill is against their constitutional rights, retorting to move to Canada. I’m pretty sure they have universal health care for a while now.  Should we be outraged that our government is mandating universal health care? Well not outraged, but we should be concerned and informed. As college students, we have a lot to worry about when it comes to money as most of it goes to schooling. With the Obama Care, young adults are covered under their parents’ insurance until the age of 26.  This is a big help for a lot of people, considering most jobs a college have does not provide health benefits.  Obama Care pledges many positive assurances that caters to many Americans, but has a few exceptions and setbacks you should know about.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides millions of people with coverage and expands Medicaid to citizens who are a little above the poverty level.  Obama Care also brings new rights, called the Patient Bill of Rights, for all citizens by setting higher standards to private insurance companies, and enforces citizens to have a means of health insurance by 2014. Americans without health insurance are required to purchase health care through the Healthcare for America Act or forced to pay a penalty.  The Act also mandates that private insurers cannot drop individuals with pre-existing conditions, protects your choice of doctor, and bans lifetime limits. Nutritional facts are also required in restaurants, which will help us take control of what we eat. In conjunction, preventive care to eligible citizens is also provided including: screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, type2 diabetes for adults with high blood pressure, HIV, and immunization vaccines.
As with many great things, there are hindrances to some due to the Affordable Care Act. By 2014, most citizens must have an insurance plan, without a plan they may be faced to pay an individual mandate tax of $95 or 1 percent of their taxable income and will rise slightly each year, according to The Ledger.  Obama Care also requires Americans who have an income of over 250k thousand dollars will have higher taxes to help supply cost of the bill.
The Obama Administration has done a lot to improve the quality of health for Americans. Clearly, as a country we are taking the right steps to better health care for ourselves and our future.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Heard You Like Blogging, So How About Writing About Blogging While You Write Your Blog

Blogging is definitely an experience; every weekday there was a new topic fresh topic that gave me a new perspective on what the big picture was. I think this method was a great alternative to the usually lecture hall, that I actually prefer than the traditional practice. As a blog information was easily shared, such as links to articles, videos, or power points, which are extremely helpful and easy to mange. Being able to take my class anywhere at anytime is the most convenient aspect of online teaching, so as a blog I am to post my assignments, view my classmates for help, and have the best notes(the professor's).

Who would pass this up?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Honestly, I'm not sure on my style.  A more easy going style of writing is what I'm aiming for, compared to writing academically. It is a big jump, considering the standards placed by professors and past teachers are tremendously different from what you would expect from a magazine or internet article. Research topics focus mainly on the facts and the definition of the facts, in contrast leisurely articles takes the facts and makes it readable to the "average Joe". All things considered, due to the challenge this assignment presented, I made goals for myself. I plan to write in a way that can hopefully guide opinions from my readers, but most importantly myself. I have to be able to present an augment that is supported on both sides. The topic "Obama Care" rages one question: Is this bill truly beneficial right now? The people of America and the media argue the durability of Obama's bill, from the cost and who it affects, to the opportunities for the individuals it could provide. Which is important to have a view on, as this bill may affect us personally or entwine in our lives?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Analyzing "Stop Talking About It"

The article "Stop Talking About It" uses more straightforward words to argue his point, and without transitional words, yet still keeping the article smooth and readable. Starting off  with introducing the athlete and giving a his history, while bringing the reader to terms with subject.  The words are short, sweet and to the point words and sentences, easy to relate to and great for a quick read. Roth provides emotional support by including the relation of  the use of the derogatory term "chink" to the African American equivalent. Also, Roth provides ethos with celebrities' quotes like Roberts and Mayweather.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm the map. I'm the map.

The most interesting aspect of this topic, is relating it to students. To relate to students, I will have to relate Obamacare to myself; this has been a very heated topic for a while now and I never really understood how it affected me. What better time to research? I know the gist of the topic, universal health care for individuals who do not have their own private insurance, and that I can leech off my mom's until I am 26, that alone is a great thing to write a paper about. Everyone loves benefits, so I think fellow Clemson students will be intrigued with the possibilities arising before us. The  Tiger will be a great way to share it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Writing For The Tiger

The Tiger provides Clemson's students with an entertaining and noteworthy journalism, with respect to our paper as journalism, I would want to approach my editorial as a journalist would.  I have to set a standard of  traits a professional, and or at least very enthusiastic journalist, would portray: accurate facts, thoughtful opinions, use of captive language, and relating myself to my audience. A student paper is written for students by students, who best knows what other students are interested in, that students! In my opinion, students tend to focus on firstly sports, basic politics, dating advice, and the trending news. Something along those lines will catch my eye, like "Addiction to Tech?" or "Obamacare and You?', and I would want to know how it relates to me. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Finding a Needle in the Haystack

I made some progress since yesterday! I found a good bit of information in Cooper today, after searching through books upon books. I found South Carolina's Legislative Manual, which are hand sized books that are produced yearly updating the legislative laws and list each representative of South Carolina for that year. Our collection dates back to 1919, and I have been able to confirm five Secretary of State officers. The books also gives a basic description of this position job, and provides some of the various directors in the four sub divisions of Sec. of State.

So far, I have basic information of what the Sec of State does and its sub divisions. Tomorrow I will try to find more about sub divisions and what else the Secretary is involved in.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hitting The Books

Focusing on the Secretary of State of South Carolina's Wikipedia page is a bit of a struggle. I have major points I want to research, but finding legitimate sources are a bit tough. I tried checking over the sources listed in ballotpedia to try to find a direction to lead me to more information, without much luck. I think the main focus I can find for this article is about the positions this office holds and its description. provides a nice organizer I can use as guidance. Which may or may not provide 1000 words. I have and will continue to search Cooper for articles and books. Hopefully tomorrow I have time to talk to a librarian to find leads to something more to work with. It would be nice to list the former office holders and provide basic descriptions of each, like their political party and years in office. My ethos are pretty weak at the moment, considering that I can only provide two legit sources. Also I ran into trouble trying to decipher numerous amounts of acts and laws. May I have tips for what I should look for?

6 points!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Traveling the Mass Seas of Missing Information

It is very difficult find articles to expand on, because your obvious choices are taken. Finding the article that needs more information and catches your interest, now that is the real challenge and is a great way to clarify and discover interest. is probably my best choice. I feel like there is a lot of information out there for this.
I hope these articles work for me, but in the meantime I will continue to search.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Surfing the Nets

The internet is a gateway of information, information you can receive quickly and without hassle. Wikipedia is my domain for most information, for new musical artists, actors in the blockbuster hits, television series and the controversy behind them. I think I use Wikipedia at least once a day, so I am very interested to see how this would progress and what topic I would choose. I like reading about technology and seeing that Blackberry needs to be updated sparked an immediate interest.  As I scanned it, I noticed that there are other articles that explain more of the company, but are not linked in this page which explains the operating system: This article is a blast from my past, as this article is about a game called Zoobles which help you learn subjects from elementary school:!. Now I'm pretty excited.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Very Rough Draft

Typically when we think of home we tend to picture a house, one where our childhood was spent and developed. In retrospect, home is a personal feeling, a sanctuary of absolute comfort, rather than a physical place.  Many factors can influence the comfortable feeling of home, e.g. family, friends, pets, surroundings, or even state of mind. As humans, we tend to relate abstract media to our lives such as: music, photography, television, and even advertisement. Advertisement is plastered into our lives and can be found anywhere, ranging from various topics transmitting information. Most advertisement is used to persuade a consumer to join an event, help a cause, or purchase a product.  Usually advertisement place focus on the consumer’s point of view, which makes it easier for us to place ourselves in them. For example, video game commercials appeal to us because we can imagine being behind the wheel of the new sports car or dodging missiles in a government plane. How does this relate to home? Advertisements can take advantage on emotions in many different ways. Portrayed in this Nutella ad, a mother provides nourishment to her children which will create a nostalgic memory of a loving family that we can relate to our own.
A family of three enjoys a meal at the table; the image has a caption that reads: “Their day. Made by Mom”, which appeals to the feelings associated with home, i.e. the feeling of comfort we feel when we think about love, our passions, or where ever you feel most secure.  These appeals are contained in techniques used by writers: ethos, pathos, and logos, or rhetorical appeals. The feelings and emotions associated with the image are called ethos. The advertisement expressed pathos visually, the family is smiling and thoroughly enjoying the meal, and also in text, the underlining caption describes the appeal and mentions the likability from kids. The caption underneath the advertisement reads: “My kids are always on the go. That's why at breakfast it's important to give them food that helps keep them going throughout their busy day- like Nutella. Kids love the delicious taste of Nutella. And I love that it's made from natural ingredients, contains no preservatives or artificial colour and is a source of Vitamin E. I feel good about making Nutella part of my kids' nutritious breakfast." The image also holds logical persuasion to draw the consumer, such as the lack of preservatives or artificial color, and is called logos.  Nutella promotes that breakfast that is essential for a child’s busy day, and that they include Vitamin E. Creditably is usually related to the ethos part of argument in rhetoric appeals As a well established company in the United Kingdom and also Canada, is automatically served. Here in the U.S., alternatively, we trust their claims because it was apparently approved by the FDA to be sold in this country. Also, the ad makes the product appetizing to the consumer; as Americans we buy with our eyes when it comes to food.  With this in mind, Nutella appeals to our taste buds, goals to pleasing our children,  provides healthy nourishment, and instills that mothers, as portrayed in the image, also feeds their children Nutella. 
In relation with the feeling of home this image is a great example of the feelings expressed when we are naturally at home. The advertisement clearly represents a well adjustment family with a bright morning spent at the table; a meal together is the epitome of family life, which is a big part of feeling at home. As we are surrounded with things that are familiar such as family or friends, we find comfort in them, and in ourselves.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Ethical Motivations

Morals are a stance in how you want to behave yourself, with different issues or situations. Morals were taught to me from the time I could walk, southern hospitality is my guide. I have a motto that I hold dearly, "Do onto others, as you want to do to you", The Golden Rule. I expect myself to treat others with respect and dignity, which I expect from others. I would not break the codes of academic integrity because it would make me feel shameful and dishonorable.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Draft Thesis Statement

Nutella creates a vice for mothers to energize their children; providing nourishment in a joyful environment, while correlating sentimental nostalgia as a loving family enjoying a breakfast spread.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Why Are We So Inclined To Buy?

Advertisements will use a plethora of techniques to motivate the sales of their products, e.g.: factual data, emotional ploys, and the influence of celebrities or alike peers.  In English, these techniques are used to amplify a point in an argument; the counterparts of the examples listed formerly are: logos, pathos, and ethos. Nutella's ad is a prime example of logos, pathos, and ethos. The caption at the bottom of the ad reads: " My kids are always on the go. That's why at breakfast it's important to give them food that helps keep them going throughout their busy day- like Nutella. Kids love the delicious taste of Nutella. And I love that it's made from natural ingredients, contains no preservatives or artificial colour and is a source of Vitamin E. I feel good about making Nutella part of my kids' nutritious breakfast." Nutella promotes that breakfast is essential for a child's busy day, and that they also include Vitamin E without artificial coloring or preservatives. This implies that children will have a healthy start in their day, which in turn makes the mother feel secure in feeding their children the breakfast spread. The picture visually expresses smiling faces enjoying the spread, advocating happiness. As a well established company in the United Kingdom, creditably is automatically served. Here in the U.S., alternatively, we trust their claims because it was apparently approved by the FDA to be sold in this country. Also, the ad makes the product appetizing to the consumer; as Americans we buy with our eyes when it comes to food.  With this in mind, Nutella appeals to our taste buds, goals to pleasing our children,  provides healthy nourishment, and instills that mothers, as portrayed in the image, also feeds their children Nutella. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Nintendo went with the materialistic appearance to allow the viewer to determine their own meaning, instead of relying on words. A bright summer day was spent by a child losing himself in a video game, while a sea of fish swims under him. Lighting in the picture is focused on the child to draw in passing eyes, also onto the fish to keep the viewer's attention. Fish is used as a metaphor as the child's imagination, given the fish are only under him and not in the surrounding waters. Centered away form the main object gives the image a more artistic approach and causes to search the ad for clues as to what it means. This technique is used   Bountiful trees are spread in the background to provide a peaceful aspect to the scenery. A peaceful scenery is essential to any past gamer who could have stumbled onto the image, because this is an often expressed emotion gamers feel when playing video games. The lighting also fades from left to right and from top to bottom; again, to focus on the child and his game, this produce an emphasis to the rustic scenery and their product. Nintendo is basically, selling happiness with optical illusion, calming emotions and childhood nostalgia.

Microsoft had a very crafty way of implying that sometimes reputations are not the best judge of character. Two sentences boldly expressed their claim, using cheeky history references as a metaphor to boost your curiosity. A pilgrimage ship sails across the bright sea, sure to catch the eye of any to pass this ad and hold your attention to reflect the statement they made. A sure fire way to make the reader laugh and think, "Hey, maybe I should get the facts."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Finding Yourself In The Sea Of Ad Space

The topic today was to find three images that remind me of home. Each picture shares a connection to my past, either the product was always around in my life or the picture represents events that I held dearly.  

The Microsoft ad was very amusing to me, because I grew up with the operating systems and watched them evolve. As an user, I can connect with the message the advertisement is portraying:Popular belief suspects that our product is incompetent, the product is better than what you would expect. Which is understandable, Microsoft has had a bad rep for a lot of their products and once the reputation sticks, people are hesitant to change their minds. This ad wants you to think for yourself, and not because of other's opinions. I was taught from a very young age that it's okay to question the mainstream and to form my own opinion. Majority of my comfort comes from independently thinking and deciding what is best for me.

One of my favorite memories with my family was spent at the dinner table full with wonderful food, great conversations, and pleased faces. The ad is trying to recreate the memory I had with other families, while also luring in moms who have children with busy lifestyles. Nutella is really advocating to the family orientated, like myself, to spend time with each other with delicious food. 
Anything is possible with imagination and your Gameboy Advance, or at least that is what Nintendo is trying to pursue. A child playing a video game at the summer dock, as his imagination runs free as the fish that swims in the lake beneath him. Most children, and adults, unleash their imaginations when playing video games, as I did when playing my video games. While my parents where working and I was home alone, I had to entertain myself, I spent hours in bliss with my handheld and my imagination. There was nothing better than loading another game and even now, hearing the music from the games takes me back to such a simple and peaceful place, which feels entirely like home. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Usually home is defined as a physical residence, a place where mom and dad will always have a wide open door and a warm bed, just for you. The same place you learned to walk, ride a bike, or even the numerous ridiculous birthday parties. Here you grew to be the adult you are now. What happens when the materialistic property leaves us? Sometimes the old house you grew up in can feel far from home, I believe home is where your heart is. For me, home is a feeling of security, knowing that I'm understood, wanted, and loved. My home resides in more places far from the random small town I grew up in; I feel at home when I'm around my family, friends, or even when I am alone. I am at home, when I am able to freely express myself in an unrestricted way.  

Expressing myself in words is not my strong suit; writing any amount of text takes multiple revisions until I find it acceptable. As your quote states in your syllabus: “Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a 
piece of blank paper until your forehead bleeds"', this is exactly  how I write anything over two hundred words. I stare and think of my main points and how to word them, eventually, after painful hours, words seem to emerge onto my page. It's very time consuming, and probably inefficient, but I have to go with what works. Hopefully this course will be a major improvement to this fault. 

As for myself, I am currently majoring in pre- pharmacy as a freshman. My favorite subject is biology, more specifically present day anatomy in humans. My hobbies include staying up to date in the latest gadgets and occasionally the latest pop culture references.  I hope this class to be a fun experience due to the unique approach to an English class.

Benjamin Glover