Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Honestly, I'm not sure on my style.  A more easy going style of writing is what I'm aiming for, compared to writing academically. It is a big jump, considering the standards placed by professors and past teachers are tremendously different from what you would expect from a magazine or internet article. Research topics focus mainly on the facts and the definition of the facts, in contrast leisurely articles takes the facts and makes it readable to the "average Joe". All things considered, due to the challenge this assignment presented, I made goals for myself. I plan to write in a way that can hopefully guide opinions from my readers, but most importantly myself. I have to be able to present an augment that is supported on both sides. The topic "Obama Care" rages one question: Is this bill truly beneficial right now? The people of America and the media argue the durability of Obama's bill, from the cost and who it affects, to the opportunities for the individuals it could provide. Which is important to have a view on, as this bill may affect us personally or entwine in our lives?

1 comment:

  1. Ben, I'm happy to hear that you're stressed about the style. This means you're thinking about how to meet the challenge. To reassure you, I will let you know that I"ve enjoyed your style this summer on this blog. My best advice: write as if you are talking to a very smart friend.

    You are absolutely on the right track. Keep writing, reading, and thinking. Email me if you have any questions.
