Friday, August 3, 2012

Very Rough Draft

Obama Care: What Does This Mean For Us?

Four years ago, Barak Obama was elected as our 44th president. Two years later, he signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or, as more commonly known, Obama Care. Recently Obama Care was upheld, which brought a plethora of articles in the media, in turn causing a lot of commotion in the public. Many proclaimed that the bill is against their constitutional rights, retorting to move to Canada. I’m pretty sure they have universal health care for a while now.  Should we be outraged that our government is mandating universal health care? Well not outraged, but we should be concerned and informed. As college students, we have a lot to worry about when it comes to money as most of it goes to schooling. With the Obama Care, young adults are covered under their parents’ insurance until the age of 26.  This is a big help for a lot of people, considering most jobs a college have does not provide health benefits.  Obama Care pledges many positive assurances that caters to many Americans, but has a few exceptions and setbacks you should know about.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act provides millions of people with coverage and expands Medicaid to citizens who are a little above the poverty level.  Obama Care also brings new rights, called the Patient Bill of Rights, for all citizens by setting higher standards to private insurance companies, and enforces citizens to have a means of health insurance by 2014. Americans without health insurance are required to purchase health care through the Healthcare for America Act or forced to pay a penalty.  The Act also mandates that private insurers cannot drop individuals with pre-existing conditions, protects your choice of doctor, and bans lifetime limits. Nutritional facts are also required in restaurants, which will help us take control of what we eat. In conjunction, preventive care to eligible citizens is also provided including: screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, type2 diabetes for adults with high blood pressure, HIV, and immunization vaccines.
As with many great things, there are hindrances to some due to the Affordable Care Act. By 2014, most citizens must have an insurance plan, without a plan they may be faced to pay an individual mandate tax of $95 or 1 percent of their taxable income and will rise slightly each year, according to The Ledger.  Obama Care also requires Americans who have an income of over 250k thousand dollars will have higher taxes to help supply cost of the bill.
The Obama Administration has done a lot to improve the quality of health for Americans. Clearly, as a country we are taking the right steps to better health care for ourselves and our future.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I Heard You Like Blogging, So How About Writing About Blogging While You Write Your Blog

Blogging is definitely an experience; every weekday there was a new topic fresh topic that gave me a new perspective on what the big picture was. I think this method was a great alternative to the usually lecture hall, that I actually prefer than the traditional practice. As a blog information was easily shared, such as links to articles, videos, or power points, which are extremely helpful and easy to mange. Being able to take my class anywhere at anytime is the most convenient aspect of online teaching, so as a blog I am to post my assignments, view my classmates for help, and have the best notes(the professor's).

Who would pass this up?